- The minimum required quantity for Refined Corn Oil (7845) is 100.
Crude Sunflower Oil
We sell crude sunflower oil that can be used according to your industry needs and our timely delivery ensures that your processing doesn’t stop due to lack of crude sunflower oil.
Price = 1 Liter
500000 in stock
We sell crude sunflower oil that can be used according to your industry needs. Our crude sunflower oil is sourced only from top crude sunflower producers. Our timely delivery ensures that your processing doesn’t stop for lack of raw material.
Product application: Crude sunflower oil is used for human nutrition. Crude oil originating from plants has significant role in terms of nutrition, physiology and psychology of human organism because it has high content of essential fatty acid and vitamins soluble in fats.
We supply Crude sunflower oil to manufacturers who use it as raw materials in the manufacturing various products such as of animal feed, in quantities up to 5%.
produced from selected sunflower seed in accordance with:
- Sunflower oil, crude (SRPS E.K2.020/1980)
- Law regulations for health safety of subjects of general use (Sl. Glasnik RS, br.92/2011).
- Law regulations for ionizing radiation protection and nuclear safety ( Sl. glasnik RS, br. 36/2009 i 93/2012)
- Law regulations for GMO (Sl. glasnik RS, br. 41/2009) and
- Law regulation for standardisation (Sl. glasnik RS, br. 36/2009).
Product characteristics are in accordance with Regulations: SRPS E.K2.020/1980 Sunflower oil, crude. Regulations for quality and other requests for edible oil and fats, margarine, mayonnaise and other similar products ( Sl.list SCG, br. 23/06 i Sl. Glasnik R?, br. 43/2013)
Product charactersistics are in accordance with Regulations: SRPS E.K2.020/1980 refined and crude Sunflower oil. Regulations for quality and other requests for edible oil and fats, margarine, mayonnaise and other similar products ( Sl.list SCG, br. 23/06 i Sl. Glasnik RS, br. 43/2013).
Identification parametars Limit Determining method
Relative density 0,917-0,928 Denz itometric
Refraction index nD (40 C) 1,472-1,476 Refraktometric
Iodine number (gJ2/100g) 114-143 Jodometric titration
Saponification number (mgKOH/g oil) 189-195 Gravimetric
Free fatty acid (as oleinic) % (m/m) Max.3,0 Volumetric
Unsoap matter % (m/m) Max.1,5 Gravimetric
Water % (m/m) Max.0,30 KF titration
Flash point (C) Min. 225 Close cup
Total phosphor content %(m/m) Max.0,025 Spectrofometric
Heavy-armature relay metal Limit Determining method
Copper content (Cu) (mg/kg) Max. 0,4 ICP/MS
Plumbum content (Pb) (mg/kg) Max. 0,1 ICP/MS
Arsenic content (As) (mg/kg) Max. 0,4 ICP/MS
Iron content (Fe) (mg/kg) Max. 5,0 ICP/MS
The content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
(g/kg) 15 50 GC/MS
The content of C10 – C40 Limit Determining method
The content of C10 – C40 (mg/kg) 1000 GC/MS
The content of dioxins is regulated by Product Standards GMP BA1.
The content of dioxins (ng/kg) 0.5 0.75 GC/MS
The content of dioxin-like PCBs (ng/kg) – 0.5 GC/MS
The content (sum) of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs (ng/kg) – 1.5 GC/MS
Heavy-armature relay metal, pesticide and mycotoxin content is regulated according to Regulations for the maximum level of residues of pesticides in food and feed, and for food and feed in which are determined the maximum allowable amounts of residues of plant protection products (Sl.glasnik RS br. 29/2014 i 37/2014 – ispr. i 39/2014), European Regulation no. 396/2005 and Product standards GMP BA1. Permissible metal, non-metal and specific foodstuff contaminant content.
Minimum order = 25 Tons
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Additional information
Weight | 23000 kg |
color | Golden Yellow |
size | 20 ft and 40 ft Container load |